
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm hoping everyone had a really good Christmas. We had a relatively quiet one with the family.
Christmas eve was spent with my family with a divine dinner fit for a king and as per tradiation visiting the Christmas lights in Bothasig. Christmas day was spent with the better halfs mom for Christmas lunch. What a feast...

I got some news last week that my radiation is actually scheduled for longer. I thought that this would be my last week when in fact my doctor wants me to have a 'booster' round for my scar tissue areas where the mastectomy was performed. I was so disapointed by the news - I was hoping the New Year was going to start off with a clean slate and a 'new me' but sadly I will only be completed round the 13th of January. I trust my doctor with these choices - it's just been a long haul. My skin is starting to hurt. It itches, peels, burns and resembles something like a surfer has when they chafe their skin with their wetsuit. I still won't be able to use creams and fragrences for a while after and I need to stay clear of the sun. Believe it or not I can't even use sunscreen because of the ingredients in it. It causes reactions and makes your skin react in quite a bad way.

The news recently is still all very surreal. It's really hard to take in mentally and realise that 'I'm alright now'. It's a strange comparrison but it's as if I'm this puzzle thats been built since I have been diagnosed and there is a piece or 2 missing to make me complete. It's unbelievably hard
to process and leaves my emotions all over the place. You would never have thought so...

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